Clinical Trial Shipping Device

Clinical trials are incredibly important for improving patient care, testing new drugs and treatments, increasing medical knowledge and more. Hundreds of clinical trials are taking place every year, with billions of dollars invested and results directly effecting pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals and patients. Clinical trials take place all over the world; medical specimens and pharmaceuticals are shipped great distances and much care needs to be taken to ensure the desired temperature is maintained at all times. Some items need to be kept at room temperature and some need to be kept cold or frozen. Contract Pharma discusses the challenging logistics of clinical trial shipping, “Temperature-sensitive biomaterials, such as clinical trial samples, cell banks, tissue samples, and active pharmaceutical ingredients, play a vital role in bringing new drugs to market. As clinical research continues to expand into global initiatives, requiring transportation across multiple continents, packaging systems have become more sophisticated to correspond with the demand for tighter temperature control and prolonged delivery times of these materials…Maintaining the cold chain from a clinical site to final destination is vital but can be extremely challenging.


Benefits of Micro Q Technologies

  • Active precision heating or cooling
  • Temperature LCD display resolution = 0.1° C
  • Temperature control range 0° C to 42° C
  • Rechargeable battery with integrated power supply
  • Ambient Temperature range -20° C to 50° C
  • Temperature holding duration 24+ hours to 168+ hours
  • Microprocessor controlled heat pump
  • Tamper resistant key switch
  • Temperature control resolution = 0.0625° C


Additional Clinical Trial Shipping Device Benefits

Materials must be stored within a very narrow temperature range; temperature excursions, scarce resources and long travel distances can lead to a break in the chain. Pharma and biopharma firms must maintain logistic processes that keep pace with the globalization of clinical trials.” With clinical trials making life saving or altering advancements, a proper temperature sensitive shipping solution needs to be used. The MicroQ iQ shipping device is the ideal temperature sensitive shipping device because it is controlled by a microprocessor and is capable of active heating and cooling. Regardless of extreme changes in temperature or ambient conditions when being shipped over long distances, the iQ shipping device is capable of adapting to ensure the desired temperature is continuously maintained. Even small temperature excursions could effectively ruin a shipment and delay or cripple a clinical trial. With so much riding on accurate testing in clinical trials, no mistakes can be made. The MicroQ iQ shipping device is also lightweight and reusable, making it cost effective and green. The device can easily and relatively inexpensively be shipped with any courier, such as Fed Ex or UPS which will keep shipping costs down. The device also simply needs to be recharged and it can be sent on its way again so there is no need for wasteful disposable shipping containers. The MicroQ iQ shipping device provides ease and accuracy when shipping for clinical trials and will protect your shipment at all times.

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